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Helderberg SEO Services

SEO is important for allmost 90% of our Helderberg clients. For the other 10% SEO is less important only because they are more concerned with the look and feel of their websites. Getting good SEO results requires spending time on your website, like we are doing now by blogging on SEO and considering the title and introductory words of this blog entry for SEO purposes. We have to be carefull not to be viewed as spammy by for examples repeating Helderberg + SEO too much.

We have just finished a one pager email to a client summarrising SEO and thought its a great idea to turn it into a blog entry.

SEO can be divided into onsite seo and offsite seo
Offsite SEO
Local search results has become very important for Google which is why your Google my business (aka Google Maps Listing) can bring you in a lot of business. We kept our own listing in a busy area even though we physically moved.
A showroom of a client can be a better address than an industrial address. You will notice when doing Google searches that Google Map results are often displayed just below the paid results.
You will get free listings (backlinks) from our two Tradesmen Directories . in the different sections . The first is doing better on Google because its older than the latter. Both me and Melanie do promote our clients on Facebook where we spend quite a bit of time looking for leads.
An active Facebook page will also help your website's SEO.
Asking clients, suppliers and friends with reputable websites to link to your website will benefit your website SEO.
There could be other affordable directories where you can buy a backlink as well.
Linkbuilding has to be natural else it will work againts you and not for you. (Buying bulk low quality links to link to your website.)
Onsite SEO
The main title description of your webpage is important
So is the introductory paragraphs of your home page and your about us
Headings eg off products and services is important. Also headings of a photo album or the title of a blog
Its more important to write a story including the location of where the kitchen was built / floor was installed everytime a picture is uploaded to your website than to have hundreds of pictures on your website.
A welll developed faq section should be viewed as part of doing the basic foundation well
Like you have decided its a great idea to do a separate website for the floors, kitchen and general construction - specialist websites allways do better than general websites unless someone is looking for an allrounder (handyman) .
These are just the very basics which has tobe done 100% right before one considers adding testimonials , doing a Youtube video of some of your work etc. These might become neccessarry as more and more people get online. (One of the biggest advantages of our software is that you can easily upload content without having to wait for us to do it. We don't mind doing it for our clients but it can be frustrating if you have to wait for someone to do something very basic like adding a new faq etc.)
Important design considerations
The landing page and above the fold content - what people see is very important. You might enjoy a nice slideshow of pretty kitchens and floors because its your webiste but the user / your potential client is looking for the phone number . the request a quote form. They are not looking to view a slideshow of pictures.
Time = money / Google AdWords
Being successful requires you spend a bit of time on your website. Or you can spend money with Google. (Better if you do both)
If you do not get results with Google Adwords then there is something wrong with the design or you are paying the Google AdWords manager too much and too little goes to the actual advertising budget. Something wrong with the design can mean that their is no effective call to action on your website. It could also be that the range of keywords are too wide and general and you are paying for clicks which leads to visitors but not business.
We will now take this "short" email and copy it and edit it a bit and turn it into a blog on our own website - we try use our time effectively. Have a look in your email inbox and outbox to generate ideas from your past presentations to clients or for ideas on the frequently asked questions.
Measuring results
We will register your websites with Google Search Console - on your Google account as well - so that you will know what traffic you get via the Google Search Engine.
Hope this one pager will be useful when we meet to discuss the future of your websites and SEO.